Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the financing of extended service plans. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us today.
How can I make my payment?
There are three ways to make a one-time payment. You can make a payment here on this site, call our customer service center or mail us a payment. Make checks payable to Budco Financial and include your account number in the check memo.
- Customer Service Number: 1-888-352-7901
- Mailing Address:
IPP Processing Center
PO Box 321067
Detroit, MI 48232
Can I change my payment method?
Yes, you can set up automated credit card or direct debit payments on our website or you can contact our customer service center and they can help you.
Is my contract transferrable?
Most contracts are transferrable. You can contact the Administration department at 1-800-521-4144 to find out if your plan is transferrable. Please remember that the BFS IPP must be paid in full in order to transfer the plan coverage.
Can I get a copy of my contract?
If you purchased your contract at your dealership, your dealer can help you obtain a copy of your contract. If you purchased your plan on the phone with a sales person, you can contact 1-800-392-3673 to obtain a copy of your contract.
What is covered under the plans?
All plans have variable coverage elements. Please contact the IPP Administration team at 1-800-521-4144 to learn more about your coverage.
Is my contract cancellable?
Most contracts are cancellable. You can contact the Administration department at 1-800-521-4144 to find out if your plan is cancellable. Please contact the BFS IPP center at 1-888-352-7901 to discuss your billing if you are planning to cancel your contract.
How does the refund process work?
Once a contract is cancelled, if a refund is due, you will receive the refund in the method described below.
- If you make your monthly payments after receiving a monthly statement, you will receive your refund via check from BFS within 30-45 days from the completion of the cancellation of your plan.
- If your monthly payments are automatically debited from a debit or credit card, you will receive your refund on the credit card on file for the automatic payments.
- If your monthly payments are automatically withdrawn from a checking or savings account, you will receive your refund in the form of a check within 30-45 days from the completion of the cancellation of your plan.
- If a plan is cancelled, what is the reinstatement process?
- If your plan has been cancelled and you wish to reinstate it, you must contact a Budco Financial IPP agent at 1-888-352-7901 to discuss the terms to reinstate your coverage.
Will my credit be affected if I don’t make timely payments?
It is always important to make your payments to Budco Financial in a timely manner. We can help you avoid late fees and work with you to ensure your plan remains active. Please contact a Budco Financial agent at 1-888-352-7901 if you have more questions.